So I decided to keep up the facade that I'm a real, live, actual adult and bought a house. Crazy, right?
Let me remind you, I'm one of those girls that had never even mowed a lawn. Seriously. Never.
(My older brother always did it, so stop totally judging me. I won't blame you for judging me just a little. But only a little. That is all that's allowed.)
Now let me clarify, when I say I bought a house, I really mean I bought a bachelor pad. Mostly, the place is great. It is relatively new, structurally sound, and perfectly Michelle-sized. But the last owner decided to perform a few questionable DIY projects that turned out less than desirable.
I will be the first to admit, I have a very eclectic design style. I'm not really going to love anything unless it's completely mine. Which gave me the perfect excuse to redo EVERYTHING. Yeah, that's right. Everything.
So stay tuned for my wonderful before and afters as I tear my way through the house :)