Thursday, August 21, 2014

motivational flower pots

I kill everything. Seriously. I cannot keep a plant alive to save my life.

At the beginning of summer I tried planting sunflowers from seeds. I was actually really proud of myself. I had quite a few growing, and they seemed to be going strong. So I bragged to Chris about how well they were doing.

"Well yeah. I've been watering them every time I come over to visit you."


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sunday, August 10, 2014

five bucks of fun

I am basically a small child. I should not be left in a craft store by myself. Somehow, Chris didn't get that memo. Even after I told him he had to physically remove me from the section of fall decor with hedgehogs all over everything (omg, I almost grabbed ALL OF IT), he still let me wander off by myself.

In my defense, the cardboard cutouts were 50% off, so the welcome sign only cost me $5. Not bad for going rogue.

I used the same paint from my livingroom to make it pretty, so the entire ordeal ended up being relatively inexpensive.

Seriously, it could've been worse.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


It all started with my Christmas present from Chris last year. He showed up at my house proudly toting a box of 100 assorted cookie cutters for me (smart man). Now if I was a normal person, I'd just use those to make a few fun-shaped sugar cookies, slap some icing on them, and call it good.

But we all know I'm incapable of normal.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

one year

As of July 26th, I have officially own my cute little house on Lynnrae for a whole year. I know, it's crazy! This time last summer I was spending ungodly amounts of money on new paint, taking on my first tiling project, dragging my tired self back and forth EVERY night between the house and my old apartment, and moving in all my worldly possessions (aka all the crap I'd accumulated this far).