Wednesday, August 6, 2014


It all started with my Christmas present from Chris last year. He showed up at my house proudly toting a box of 100 assorted cookie cutters for me (smart man). Now if I was a normal person, I'd just use those to make a few fun-shaped sugar cookies, slap some icing on them, and call it good.

But we all know I'm incapable of normal.

I saw this gift as an opportunity to go above and beyond, to forge a new skill, to wow my adoring recipients (aka, to pin a bunch of gorgeous things on pinterest and fall short trying to do it myself).

Attempt 1: birthday cookies. Not too bad for the first go. I even repurposed a Dino cutter to make it into the shape I wanted. I was pretty impressed with myself for that one.

Attempt 2: boxing gloves. One of my cousins asked if I'd make cookies for her son's boxing themed birthday party. Crazy enough, a mitten was not in my 100 cutters, so I had to borrow one from Allison. Unfortunately, I only took an in progress picture, so I don't have proof of the final thing.

Attempt 3: wedding cookies. We've established I'm crazy, right? Yeah, well multiply that level of crazy by 200, because that's how many cookies I agreed to make for another cousin's wedding. I don't even have space in my kitchen for that many cookies! I'll seriously need to move to a new house that has my massively huge, wonderful, dream kitchen before I take on something of this scale again ;)

Attempt 4: perfect square cookies. Fun fact- Chris, the city of Wichita, and I all had perfect square birthdays this year (yay for nerdiness)! Naturally, I had to capitalize on it. This actually ended up being more of a sneaky project than I had originally planned. See, I intended to bake up some squares when I made my last batch of wedding cookies. But I didn't. Then Chris spent most of the day before his birthday hanging out at my house with me, causing it to be incredibly hard for me to make cookies without him noticing. Eventually, I convinced him to leave for a while, baked the cookies, colored some icing, and quickly had three dozen of them decorated before he came back for dinner (I did have to hide them in my spare room overnight to harden up though).

Attempt 5: star cookies. I got to visit some of my college friends over the fourth of July, which was much needed in my life. I quickly whipped out some basic star cookies after work on the third to bring with me.

And now the latest attempt: nurse cookies. My cousin with the boxing glove cookies just finished up nursing school, and asked if I'd make some cookies for her graduation party.

I'm still working on my technique.

My flooding and piping skills could use some help, but I'm getting better.

However, my coloring skills are atrocious. I mean, matching skin tone is really hard, but I didn't even come close. These poor things look like Lego minifigs. Sigh.

I packaged them up and shipped them off to kc anyway. They're included as "bonus" cookies on top of the number she requested. I mean, they'll still taste good, you know. No sense in wasting them.


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