Let me start out by saying this is the first summer in eight years that I haven't had anything to do - volleyball, conditioning, camp, job, internship, etc. It's not surprising that I don't really know what to do with myself. Lucky for me, I discovered the 30 days of creativity project, which I could not be more excited about.
This weekend I made an EPIC shopping trip to Hobby Lobby to stock up on some new crafting supplies (my poor bank account) and made it over to Best Buy to finally splurge on a new digital camera (that I absolutely LOVE). I could not be more than ready to do this!
I stumbled upon this craft A LONG TIME AGO on this awesome blog. I've wanted to make my own since I found it, but never did. And now that the rooms are moving out, and we're about to completely leave the apartment in a couple of months, I FINALLY MADE ONE. Oh well, it can move with me :) Here's some pictures of the process:
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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