It has been a very long time since I've written a blog post. I've wanted to on multiple occasions, but actually typing up my feelings has seemed counterproductive for the past few months.
This semester has been incredibly emotionally draining. Being repeatedly disappointed, overwhelmed and rejected is defeating. And I'm not the only one that's felt like this throughout the semester, which has helped some. But it's still been hard.
Surprisingly, the good stuff has started trickling into my life, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. This weekend at the national conference for MESC we won the award for Best Council.
I am the President of the best engineering student council in the nation.
I know in the grand scheme of things it's dumb, but to finally be acknowledged for something I've put so much effort into is exhilarating. I'm excited to feel this happy right now. And let me just say, "it's about damn time."