Thursday, December 4, 2014

turkey cookie platter

When I visited my parents a few weeks before Thanksgiving, my mom dug out one of her recipe magazine's cookie edition. She wanted to show me a turkey platter that was featured in it (funny enough, it was created by my cookie idol over at I guess similar taste runs in the family).

Mom: Isn't this cute? 
Me: Yeah. Do you want me to make you one for Thanksgiving? 
Mom: No. You don't have to do that. But isn't this cute? 

Translation: my mom wanted the cookies.

Mind you, she is well aware of how time consuming they are to make, so she really was trying to be nice and not inconvenience me. However, the only thing I was able to convince her to let me bring to dinner was pie from the bakery at Chris's work (she only let my siblings bring booze, so at least I scored a food item).

But the platter turned out quite adorable, so I'm really glad my mom suggested it to me. I'm also learning to better my royal icing technique, which is always good too. Practice makes perfect. Or in this case, practice makes more tasty cookies for my family to enjoy.