This past weekend I got my maximum craft on by hosting craft parties on Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday. (I also attended a craft fair on Saturday where I seemed to accumulate multiple objects of the moose persuasion. Shhhh. We're not going to talk about it).
The craft party themes were "Christmas Countdowns," "Ornaments," and "Cards." With the help of my friends, we plowed through 12 more crafts! Woohoo!
Friday night: Countdowns
7. Chalkboard Countdown - (pinspiration from item no longer on etsy)
8. Pocket Advent Calendar - (link to pinspiration no longer working)
9. Santa Beard Countdown (not yet numbered) - this was a shape I purchased from the silhouette online store
Saturday night: Ornaments
10. TMNT filled with glitter - Allison curated project
11. Cement Light Bulbs and Trees -
12. String Words -
13. Melted Crayons* -
Bonus Ornament: Melted Snowman with olaf quote
*Only 1 ornament was dropped and shattered on the concrete floor in the making of this craft.
Sunday ended up being a quiet crafternoon (do you see what I did there?) for Allison and me. We used my silhouette to cut out some simple shapes to make lots of adorable cards.
14. Santa Suit -
15. Wrapped Packages -
16. Paper Tree -
17. Ornaments - (pinspiration from item no longer available on etsy)
18. Ribbon Tree -
See projects from nights 1,
2, 6, 7, and 8.