Sunday, December 26, 2010

I really like my new nail polish color;

it is very pretty.
I'm trying really hard to grow my nails out right now. Hopefully the new colors I bought this week will help make that happen. It'd sure be nice if it did.

I am very excited for 2011. I suppose I go into every new year with a positive mindset, but there's obviously a few reasons I'm especially looking forward to this upcoming one. I'm also very excited that I don't really have to come up with any new year's resolutions. There's still a lot of goals I haven't accomplished yet, so I think working on this list will be good for me. Most notably, 16. Run a half marathon, is going to happen.
now I'm distracted... more later :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

christmas break

So I've technically been done with school since Monday, but now that I'm done with graduation it officially feels like break.

I am super horrible at keeping gifts a secret, and I hate having to wait extra time to give them to people. Therefore, Emily already got to open part of her Christmas present (which was hand-crafted, of course).

Emily's SWECA Letters
I first covered all of the letters with spiffy Mizzou colored paper and used my exacto knife to cut them out.

Here are the letters with the scrapbook paper.

I then added embellishments to each individual letter.

And this is the finished product that will be displayed in her office this semester. Success.

This doesn't have anything to do with Emily's Christmas present, but I had to take a picture of the heart sushi arranged in a four leaf clover. So here's a bonus picture:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Michelle, have you been crafting again?

Why, yes. Yes, I have been.

Since Alexis has threatened to steal my owl artwork, and I had her for secret santa, I decided to make her one out of scrapbooking paper.

Alexis' Owls

I had intentions of finishing some other projects this week since my finals ended early, but that hasn't happened. That's okay; it's been a good week otherwise, so I'm not going to complain.

Life is getting interesting. Four weeks of Christmas break should be {insert one of the many adjectives that it can be here}.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I've been stumbling pretty frequently lately. Which is a horrible, horrible, horrible waste of time right now. But I've been finding some great stuff.

I've also found an excellent site for delegated chores amongst roommates (much needed!) and site to make lists and earn points for completed tasks. 10 points FTW. now I just need to accomplish the other 12 points of tasks I have for today...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


As expected, I've thoroughly been enjoying break. I accidentally crawled into bed around 6.30PM last night and didn't get up until 8 or so this morning. Brilliant. That was the second time I've slept 12+ hours in one night. I probably should not make this a habit...

Today I started "cleaning" my closet. Basically, I relocated half of the giant pile of junk that built up on the closet floor to the entirety of my room. Fantastic. This should be a nice beast to tackle before Friday WHEN MY BFFs COME TO TOWN. WHOOP WHOOP. (I cannot wait, in case you couldn't tell.)

I got an email today about a potential job :) I'm trying not to get too excited, because I don't think it really means anything yet. But my application did make it through the first obstacle, so hopefully I won't have to wait until March to hear about the next step in the process.
This whole job hunt is very nerve-racking. I've been so busy going through the motions this whole semester that I haven't had much time for myself. I really just need to spend good quality time with me figuring out what I want for my future. Right now I'm not quite sure what that is, so working on finding a career for the rest of my life hasn't been too successful. I need to take the initiative to change that.

I really like how I've been motivating myself to be better through my blog. If only I updated this thing regularly...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

writing a paper

So I have a rough draft of a group paper due this week, and I have been very very very unmotivated about writing it. It's literally the ONLY thing I have left to before finals (false: I need to do a movie review for my leadership class, but that seems like more fun than actual work).

Today, I am going to conquer my lack of motivation. I plan to buckle down and whip this thing out. And once I'm done I can move on to bigger and better things, like cleaning my room ;-)

Update since last post:
  • Personal Mission Statement: check
I will be a strong, decisive adult that goes after what she wants in life.
I will not be afraid to take chances and tackle new challenges.
I will work hard to achieve success and happiness.
I will appreciate all the good fortunes in my life.
I will not settle for anything less than I deserve.
  • Board of Directors: did not make yet
  • Polish up my LinkedIn page... and try to use it more: check
  • Use the career explorer feature on LinkedIn: check (not that helpful, by the way)
  • Make a Twitter: check (not very good at using it)
  • Clean up my facebook some: check

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Earlier this weekend I attended the Griffith's Leadership Society fall conference. I'm really glad I went. I've been to my fair share of conferences in college, but most of them were muddled with information to improve other things. This one was basically just about improving myself, which was very refreshing. I felt like I learned a lot and have some things to focus on to create a better me.

One session that especially lit my fire was the "Branding Yourself Through Social Media." I assumed it would be basic stuff that I already knew, but there were a lot of things that I had never even thought about. I was so surprised. So here are somethings I'm going to accomplish this week:
  • Write my own personal mission statement.
  • Think up my "personal board of directors"
  • Polish up my LinkedIn page... and try to use it more
  • Use the career explorer feature on LinkedIn
  • Make a Twitter (eeeeeeeeeek. I've basically avoided this thus far, but this weekend may have actually convinced me to create one for myself)
  • Clean up my facebook some
I feel really motivated right now, so I'm going to try and make it through my "To Do" list I created yesterday and knock some stuff out of the way. There are only two more weeks until Thanksgiving break.
I. Cannot. Wait.

"Ah, to live. To live would be an awfully great adventure." -Peter Pan

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I opened the page for a new blog entry, because I haven't written anything for awhile.

After staring mindlessly at the blank text box, I'm not sure why I even came here. I really don't have anything to write about, other than the fact that I am overwhelmingly busy. But everyone who's actually seen me this semester already knows that (and the people that haven't seen me semester have probably figured it out...).

I did take some time out this evening to "paint" a little. It was relaxing. Now I must go study for my Matrix Theory exam. Sigh... not looking forward to this one.

"If that's all you will be, you'll be a waste of time, You've dreamed a thousand dreams, none seem to stick in your mind, Two points for honesty, It must make you sad to know that nobody cares at all" - Guster, Two Points for Honesty

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

more insomnia

Hello 3AM.
I'm not quite sure why we're hanging out, but it seems we are. I really don't know what my deal is lately with not being able to go to sleep at night. It's obviously not working out very well for me since I constantly feel like I'm going to pass out in class. I should work on getting my sleep schedule rearranged.
But right now I'm not really tired, and I'm being (semi) productive so I'm just going to roll with it.
Tomorrow morning (excuse me, today...) will not be a very happy one for me. I can already guess that. mehhhhhh

"I could sit for hours finding new ways to be on each minute, cause the daylight seems to want you just as much as I want you." - Snow Patrol, Crack the Shutters

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Now that it's my last year of college, stuff is starting to sink in. Like the fact that I have to leave all of this in just a few months.
I hate thinking about it.

However, it's fun to reminisce all the great experiences I've had at Mizzou. This weekend will undoubtedly be one I remember FOREVER. Yes, forever.

I attended one of the most EPIC games in Mizzou football history. We took down the #1 ranked OU. It was the upset that the entire nation got to watch happen.
And I was there.
At Faurot Field.
In the jammed-packed student section.
Screaming my head off for 4 hours.

And then we rushed the field.

I've always wanted to do it, and I actually got to. I still feel like I'm on a high from over 24 hours ago. It was that great.

Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera with me (which is probably a good thing. knowing me I'd have lost it). I did snap a few photos with my phone. They're not great, but they're something.

In the middle of Faurot, as the team made their way through the massive sea of gold fans off the field.

Kaitlin, myself, and Emily somehow managed to stick together to make it to the middle of the field. And we made it out without getting arrested. FTW

After everything, ESPN set up stage in the end zone to interview Blaine Gabbert and Gary Pinkel. It would've looked so dumb on TV without everyone in the background. That's why why HAD to rush the field. Way to go Tigers!

"Fight, Tigers, fight for Old Mizzou, Right behind you, everyone is with you, Break the line and follow down the field, And you'll be, on the top, upon the top; Fight, Tigers, you will always win, Proudly keep the colors flying skyward, In the end we'll win the victory, So Tigers, fight for Old Mizzou!"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


avocados were $0.50 at walmart today. and you know I couldn't resist. they were already super ripe, so I figured I better use them immediately. I was too lazy to get cilantro this time, so this mix was definitely missing some flavor. it's still delicious, but not my best batch.

I really cannot bring myself to do my airport homework. I hate how much I procrastinate in that class. facebook,, and even blackboard are too distracting right now. ughhhhh.

let's be real. it's not happening...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

a little perspective

so i have decided that i really don't need more hours in the day. honestly, i just need there to be less things i need to do. well, duhhh. that's incredibly obvious. if only there was a way i could make that happen. i think i'm going to start trying a lot harder to not do everything myself. it's not my job to control absolutely everything, so i need to take a step back and let others do work too. that's only fair, right?

speaking of having less things to do, i have just added something extra to my plate. OOPS! in my defense, it was really grace's idea. she mentioned she really wanted to have a vlog, so that's how this baby evolved. our first filming is planned for this sunday, so get exciiiiited.

it's only tuesday, but i already feel this week flying by.
so. much. to. do. gahhhhhhh.
so enough blogging, i must go be productive. i have my candle making my room smell delightful, so now it's time to get things done. it's funny how that works :)

"It's time for you to prove, Within your ruby shoes, You deserve a smile with no regret, Look at you, Kicking off your shoes, Dancing for the world to see, You got the power to believe, Open up and see, And I'll be free and fly away" - Erin McCarley, Pony (It's OK)

Monday, October 11, 2010


so i did a pretty fabulous job of cleaning my room today, but i haven't gotten much else done. i would REALLY like to get ahead on some things. who knows if i am even capable of doing that. i think i might just be programmed to do stuff hours before it's due.

on a completely different subject, one republic is so far proving to be an excellent tag for my radio station. maybe i'll light my new candle and see if the combo will make me productive :)

"All right, Sit down and spill your heart, Lets start from the very start, Cause i can see by your eyes, You're wasted, Your energy comes and goes, You taking your time, you know, Nothing can change what happened, you know." - One Republic, Someone to Save You

Monday, October 4, 2010


i just whipped out a very long email for NAESC. that was probably very unnecessary for 2AM, but now I don't have to deal with it later this week. i'm kind of tired, but not really. it's getting more difficult to breathe out of my nose, so that may be why i don't really care to fall asleep right now. I have a letter that I can write, but I think I might leave that for tomorrow.

i am going to forgot to go to one of the million activities i have this week. mark my words. something will slip my mind...

"I never loved nobody fully, Always one foot on the ground, And by protecting my heart truly, I got lost in the sounds" -Regina Spektor, Fidelity

Monday, September 27, 2010

I've always been a fan of Razzmatazz

“Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-color boxes, but what you're really looking for are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64-color box, though I've got a few missing. It's ok though, because I've got some more vibrant colors like periwinkle at my disposal. I have a bit of a problem though in that I can only meet the 8-color boxes. Does anyone else have that problem? I mean there are so many different colors of life, of feeling, of articulation.. so when I meet someone who's an 8-color type.. I'm like, "hey girl, magenta!" and she's like, "oh, you mean purple!" and she goes off on her purple thing, and I'm like, "no - I want magenta!"” - John Mayer

I stumbled upon this quote last night and really like it. I also like the color cerulean. It's pretty.
I wish I had a box of crayons and giant coloring book right now.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


It's cold outside and I'm wearing a hoodie and I love it.

On a less exciting note, this semester is successfully wearing me down. I'm tired of constantly feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. I'm waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel, but I can't see it yet. My schedule's constantly jammed-pack and I'm falling behind. Sigh... Thanksgiving Break is sounding better and better everyday.

Now I should go study. And do my homework. And get my life in order.

"The distance is quite simply much too far for me to row, it seems farther than ever before, oh no." - Death Cab For Cutie, Transatlanticism

Saturday, August 14, 2010


hawaii was phenomenal. I don't think I've ever been anywhere so beautiful. I already miss it.

but I also really miss CoMo. unfortunately, I currently do not have the key to my apartment. sad sad day. I'm going to have to time my arrival on friday so on of the roomies can let me in (and help my carry my stuff!).

this jet lag is getting to me right now...

"They will see us waving from such great heights, 'Come down now,' they'll say. But everything looks perfect from far away, 'Come down now,' but we'll stay..." -The Postal Service, Such Great Heights

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

two days in a row?

new record? check. I'm going to work on being more consistent with updating to this.

I've given up on my bedtime. 9 weeks is too long to have one anyway.

I am not handling being phoneless very well. I wish I didn't rely on that stupid thing so much. it's a very good thing I'll be back to normal tomorrow...

Monday, July 26, 2010

sad day

I lost my phone. I think someone stole it from Hi Boy. And by stole, I mean I probably left it on the curb and they picked it up and kept it for themselves.

I'm not sure how I'm going to handle the next 17+ hours without a cell phone. Ahhhhhh.

On a less sad note, I have some countdowns:
10 days until vacation
12 days of work left this summer
25 days until I'm back in CoMo

"You'll sit alone forever, If you wait for the right time, What are you hopin' for? I'm here, I'm now, I'm ready, Holdin' on tight. Don't give away the end. One thing that stays mine" - Jimmy Eat World, 23

Saturday, May 29, 2010

another week over

it's weird how fast and slow time can move. this past week seemed to drag on and fly by at the same time. going back to work was strange. it really felt like I'd been gone for a week or two -not months. but seeing everyone excited about all of us coming back was a lot of fun. this summer looks like it'll have a lot of potential, so we'll see how it all pans out.

so I managed to FINALLY convince myself to go running again this morning. oh geeze. I really didn't think it would be that bad. I really need to get back into the swing of the routine I got in last summer. one of my goals this summer is to hold myself more accountable for these things, so I really want to prove to myself that I can do this. 6+ miles, here I come...

this evening I finished a book. the one I started at the beginning of the past school year. I really cannot believe I kept myself so "busy" that I never had time to read over the course of two semesters. that is kind of insane. at this pace, I will not reach that goal. sister's gonna have to get rollin' on that.

this post was kind of a hot mess of randomness. I should work on improving this...

"our hopes and expectations. black holes and revelations."

Sunday, May 23, 2010

summa time

I still cannot believe it's actually summer already. I know I still haven't quite grasped the fact that a lot of my friends have graduated and will be going their own ways :(
and I'm going to be a senior.
in college.
When did that happen?

Tomorrow marks my first day of my co-op. For the third time. haha. I'm still antsy about it though. The fact that this could possibly be a "3 month interview" for my actual career is starting to seem intimidating. I don't want to mess this up.
I won't.
This summer I'm going to make things happen, and making a good impression is going to be one of those things. And that mind set makes me excited. I can't wait to see everything play out.

it is past my bedtime... whoops

Monday, May 3, 2010

My 101 in 1001

So this is copied from the original blog I posted it on (2-21-2010). I'd like to keep it updated on here:

I just recently came across an idea called 101 in 1001. It's a list of 101 goals you set for yourself that you have 1001 days to complete. Since I've been too busy to physically create something to put on this blog this week, I'm going to start this list. To keep myself accountable:

0. Finish this list by Friday (2-24-10)

Hokay. Now that we have a goal, I can get started. Since I had no idea when 1001 days from now will be, I did some Googling and found this helpful tool. Completion date will officially be
November 18, 2012.

Let's do this.

1. Apply to be on be on Amazing Race with Emily
2. Finish my painting for above my bed
3. Finish the mini scrapbook set
4. Print pictures for my jewelry box
5. Finish face portraits
6. Post at least 2 projects (with pictures) to blog within one week
7. Track EVERYTHING for one week (7/7)
8. Not say anything bad about a friend for one week (0/7)
9. Not say anything bad about anyone for one week (0/7)
10. Score 100% on a test
11. Leave my phone number for a cute waiter, bartender, etc.
12. Get to my goal weight
13. Go skiing
14. Not complain for one week (0/7)
15. Run a 5K in less than 25 minutes
16. Run a half marathon
17. Visit one of the bridges from my book
18. Print pictures for photo album (added in June 5)
19. Attempt to recreate crab lasagna
20. Not drink soda for one month (40/30ish, somewhat still doing it)
21. Grow my hair out to the middle of my back
22. Don't cuss for one week (0/7)
23. Get a car wash (6/6/10... that took long enough)
24. Paint my dresser (my mom did this for me, but that's okay)
25. Attend a cooking class
26. Go to a spa
27. Take a road trip (OKC with Chris 7/18/2010)
28. Buy something big (plane ticket to Hawaii)
29. Own a kitchenaid mixer
30. Get my own pet
31. Learn to drive a stick shift
32. Buy a nice digital camera
33. Learn to play the guitar
34. Get a passport
35. Learn to solve a rubik's cube
36. Go berry picking
37. Clean/organize my email account (6-16-2010)
38. Go see a movie by myself
39. Find a lipstick I can pull off
40. Wear a skirt/dress to an engineering class
41. Buy an exercise ball to use in place of a chair
42. Visit Washington DC
43. Visit Seattle
44. Visit NYC
45. Get lasik eye surgery
46. Buy a pair of green high heels
47. Get my bangs cut again (4-3-2010)
48. Have my hair professionally dyed
49. Get a massage
50. Eat at a 5-star restaurant
51. Grow all of my nails out past my fingertips
52. Take a trip out of the country
53. Finish the slideshow
54. Take out recycling 10 weeks in a row (0/10)
55. Host a girls night
56. Go rock climbing
57. Don't eat fast food for one month (0/30ish)
58. Eat at five locations off of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives (The BBQ Shack, Ingrid's Kitchen, Iron Barley)
59. Transfer all of my iTunes music from my other computer
60. Go paintballing
61. Buy an original piece of art
62. Read Wicked
63. Go see five movies at the ragtag (0/5)
64. Reread the Harry Potter series
65. Sew something
66. Go paint pottery
67. Go to a concert with someone I've never gone to one with before (The Elders 3/15/2010, E-Week)
68. Run 20 miles within one week
69. Take a cake decorating class
70. Bake a cake from scratch
71. Read 50 books (2/50, Cocktails for Three, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, Moon Called)
72. Visit a new theme park
73. Make greek yogurt
74. Beat Mario on Wii (thank you, snowpocalypse 2011)
75. Donate blood 5 times (1.5/5)
76. Shop at a farmers market 5 times (0/5)
77. Save $XXXX
78. Try 10 new restaurants (11/10, Sky High, International Cafe, Boone Tavern, Deuce Pub and Pit, Maggie's, The BBQ Shack, La Luna, Freddie's, Ingrid's Kitchen, Red Snapper, Iron Barley)
79. Go on a trip with just my mom
80. Take a float trip with friends
81. Get a pedometer
82. Donate hair to locks of love
83. Visit a winery/ go wine tasting
84. Grow a sunflower
85. Make pasta from scratch
86. Write a letter to someone I care about and snail mail it
87. Pay for the person behind me in a drive-thru
88. Dance in the rain for no reason
89. Figure out how to consistently make black bean brownies
90. Avoid riding an elevator for one year (February 12, 2011)
91. Convince someone else to make a 101 in 1001 (Emily)
92. Make my own facial
93. Go rollerskating (and not injure myself)
94. Learn to do 100 pushups
95. See a live taping of a tv show
96. Make the sugar cookie recipe with healthier ingredients (splenda, margarine, etc.)
97. Go to a museum in between classes
98. Take a bubble bath
99. Work out for 6 hours in one day
100. Ride the tiger before I graduate
101. Donate $5 to charity for each item not completed

"And all the stars can disappear without a trace. I'm so glad that this has taken me so long, cause it's the journey that's made me so strong." - Snow Patrol, Warmer Climate